Quality Objectives

1. Advocate and promote gender equity through affirmative action.

2. Promote development and implementation of gender policies.

3. Promote multi-disciplinary research on gender issues at the local, national and regional levels.

4. Advocate for and promote education of women and men.

5. Develop programs on gender at certificate and diploma levels.

6. Advocate mainstreaming of gender in all Moi University programs.

7. Establish systems and strategies that address students’ and staff’s real life issues.

8. Advocate policies that promote reproductive health and well being of women and families.

9. Create consultancies, collaboration and linkages at the local, national, regional and international levels.

10. Institute strategies for IGERD’s sustainability.

Get in Touch

Director - Institute for Gender, Diversity & Peace Studies,
Moi University
P.O. Box 3900-30100

Email: directorigerd@mu.ac.ke

Website: https://igerd.mu.ac.ke/

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